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Thursday, June 21, 2012

The story of a panther (:

Posted by ....:::: Kai Qian =) ::::.... at 12:00 AM
Gonna tell a story again, heh (:

once upon a time,
a panther just hop into a city,
the twins of the pink panther d:
but the panther was in black :D

hop hop hop,
hop into the class of 2a5 :D
then the panther met a bunch of hf people (:
and got a name called the rpanther, rp :D

then, the panther got a company,
the 3d-ps company,
which is like so dead now d:
at least haven bankrupt yet, heh (:

then a r-family is formed (:
the panther got lots of child,
and most of all there is a hf rchild x)
the panther is called the rmama, heh (:

didn't know why,
the panther has now tranformed
and becoma a hl, mxw and sy x)
but still the panther is still the hf rchild rmama :D

okay la,
to that rmama, rpanther, hl de rp and many many more,
thank you for being such a good friend (:
the one and only one i can talk whatever rubbish,
with no limits and all the freedom (:

your happy and go lucky style really cheers up lots of people around you (:
with all the splashed or ice,
hf rpills and many many more (:
too awesome :D

mant things don know how to express them out here,
cause i don't used to use all the formal way to talk to you,
very qi guai you know, haha :D

But still, 
all the best,
stay happy and stay pretty (:
eat more so that wnf wont say that wind blow jiu fly x)

Happy Birthday Pei Pei x)
accept the panther up there, hahahahaha :D

say hi to dino :D
don't ever give me dino as sm

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