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Monday, May 7, 2012

繁,恬 (:

Posted by ....:::: Kai Qian =) ::::.... at 11:56 PM

When you look upon the sky,
the sky isn't that dark as usual,
the stars are blinking more frequent than usual,
it is not abnormal,
it is just that finally you know that,
everything can be alright (:

Now I know,
what does those words you had once told me means,
I felt appreciated,
I don't feel like how i feel last time,
although it's just a smile, a thank you
it means a lot,
confidence and a token of appreciation (:

It's not the best,
but at least i did my best (:
The comments from you guys,
seriously make me wanna laugh,
although is not a good one,
but still i feel like laughing, heh ;)


星星更 愈闪亮,
愿它永存于心 (:

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